4 Ways to Self Care During This Trying Time

4 Ways to Self Care During This Trying Time

Man, deep sighs. The last few months have been extraordinaryly heavy to say the least. I have been quarantined. I have witnessed videos of my fellow black brothers and sisters killed at the hands of police. I’ve seen pictures and videos of protestors being shot with rubber bullets and sprayed with tear gas. It’s been a lot. Not to mention the 33 years I've lived on this earth and been judged, watched and treated less than because of the color of my skin. I am emotionally drained and I’m sure so many others are feeling the same way. So what are we gonna do about it guys? Well, I have 4 ways you can self care during this time.

4 Ways to Self Care during Hard Times

Unplug from Social Media

It is perfectly ok to feel overwhelmed right now. Social media is a constant reminder of the tragedies going on in the world. It seems a new video is being posted with each passing day. Unplugging doesn't mean you are ignoring. I know when enough is enough for me and sometimes I have to take a break. Many of us feel like it is our obligation to take it all in. We have to read all the articles, look at all the videos and pictures and consume everything that is being put out there. I'm here to tell you sis that it is okay to unplug. Take a fast from Social Media or just consume as less as possible. It can become overwhelming and you gotta take care of you physically, mentally and emotionally. Unplug if you must Sis.

Feel all the feels

Whatever you are feeling right now is valid. Own your feelings. Whether you are angry, sad, fed up , tired, whatever your feelings are feel that. No one should tell you how to feel in these moments and whatever you feel is YOUR feelings. Feel it, but don’t be consumed with those feelings. Take a break and do something to reset, recharge or refocus your energy. Intentionally care for you!

Enjoy/Celebrate Blackness

Taking in all this trauma can do serious harm. There is so much black joy to consider in these times. Find some positive or even comedic images, music, art or movies to indulge in. Grieve the way you need to, but always remember there is also joy in being black!


I am a strong believer that prayer changes things. Being close to God and His peace holds me down. During hard times as such, a great way to self care is to give it all to God in prayer. Unleashing my emotions, thoughts, and prayers unto the Lord always makes me feel better. Chile these times are heavy and you have to take care of yourself fully.

Who would have thought that us blacks would still be fighting for justice in 2020? It’s sickening, infuriating and sometimes too much to carry. Do your part by all means, but remember it’s okay to need a break. Take care of you wholly and fully. Self care is super important right now. So, intentionally care for yourself physically, mentally and emotionally and remember it is okay to not be okay!

How are you self caring these days?

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