How to Prevent Clutter

How to Prevent Clutter

A friend of mine inspired me to do some Spring cleaning. She wrote a post on Facebook about cleaning the top of your refrigerator. Chile she must've known that was for me. (Lol) I decided to take her up on her challenge and finally declutter. I went from the refrigerator to the closets. I was on a roll. Especially, after finally admitting I am not okay just a week ago. Taking that sabbatical helped me find some clarity and it felt good to just be. Side bar- Sometimes you just have to feel all the feels, but what's important is not taking up residence there. (MESSAGE)

Ways to Prevent Clutter

So from all the cleaning and decluttering I did, I learned some lessons. I even learned some truths about myself. For one, it seems that I am a hoarder. I keep all of my mail. Even the junk mail- why Lord- I hold a whole bunch of stuff hostage that serve me no purpose and it's time for those things to be evicted. - habits and people included.

Decluttering is cool and much needed at times. But, wouldn't it be so cool if we could get rid of "clutter" before it becomes a thing? Going through all my un- necessities made me realize (1) I'm a hoarder and (2) I hold on to things that serve me no purpose or hold no value in my life. So with my new found knowledge, I want to share with you 3 ways to prevent clutter.

3 Ways to Prevent Clutter

1. Throw that mail away

Photo Sue Hughes

Listen I didn't realize how much mail I hold on to until today. From now on when I check the mailbox I will be discarding junk mail before it enters my house. I will also make a habit of opening my mail and if I don't need it or it's not important I will discard it immediately. The first way to prevent clutter is to discard junk or unimportant mail. You'd be surprised how much mail you can hold on to. (don’t judge me)

2. Get rid of things that are not important.

Photo by Renee Fisher

For instance today as I decluttered, I found an old dvd player that was broken. Like it didn’t work at all. Why did I still have this dvd player? Now don't get me wrong I still own and watch plenty of dvd's, but not on that device because it's broken. Stop holding on to unnecessary things and get rid of them before they become clutter. If it doesn't work or can't be used properly THROW IT AWAY!!

3. Everything needs a place

I'm sure you've heard the phrase, " a place for everything and everything in it's place." If you haven't, now you have. You're welcome. Give everything in your house a place or a home. If you don't have a place for something, chances are you don't need that something. Give everything a home and prevent clutter. That means less decluttering through out the year.

Trust me I understand, things happen. We make impulsive purchases, we hold on to fragments of what used to be, and we find ourselves in a house full of junk. Then we are afraid to declutter it all. Let's try to prevent clutter before it becomes a thing. Same thing goes for your habits and the people in your life. Here are 3 tips to help with that. Happy decluttering or should I say, Prevent That Ish!

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