On My Sabbatical

On My Sabbatical

Last week I took a sabbatical. I was overwhelmed, stressed and just not okay. I knew I needed a break, so I did what I had to do. During my week off I did some reflecting. I realized that I had too much on my plate and it was causing dysfunction in my life. I was carrying too much mentally, physically and emotionally. But, my sabbatical helped me to realize 3 things.

My sabbatical taught me that I need to learn how to delegate. I have always been a DIYer. Gotta do everything myself.-Why Lordt- During my time off I realized I don't have to do it all. Therr are others willing and capable to help me. So now I'm gonna be delegating more tasks to lighten my load a little. I aint gotta do it all and I aint.(Yup, you read that correctly) But, the funny thing is, well besides my incorrect grammar is I'm the only person who didn't know that. Little oh me thought I had to do it all.

This sabbatical also taught me that taking care of me is necessary. You would think I’d know this by now. I’ve heard all the phrases like "you can't pour from an emptying cup," and " you have to put your oxygen mask on BEFORE you put someone else’s on." My desire to put others first kinda became a priority in my life and I had to see that I gotta put myself first. Self care more often is definitely on the menu.

While taking my sabbatical, I decided not to write. Well I couldn't if I wanted to. Putting deadlines and so much technicality on my blog caused a mental blockage. I couldn't think of anything to write and I was over writing about the Coronavirus anyway. This sabbatical has taught me that sometimes we just have to take a break from even those things that we love. Stepping away for just a little while gave me time to think, reflect and let my imagination run wild. The creative in me was freed.

So all in all I'm happy I decided to step away from priorities for a while. A sabbatical was just what I needed. I needed time to just be and time to just feel. I now feel rejuvenated and so much better. If you feel overwhelmed with life try taking a break. A break from everything and just be. If you can't take a full on sabbatical try some of the things I learned from taking my sabbatical: delegate more, practice self care often (super important), and step away from tasks for a moment. Hopefully doing these things will help you just as they've helped me. YOU GOT THIS!

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