Finding time for God in the chaos of Motherhood

Finding time for God in the chaos of Motherhood

Typical day of “mommin',” goes as follows: I plan EVERYTHING out perfectly but NOTHING goes as planned. You forget the littlest of things and it throws every other thing off track and you're left thinking to yourself, “How Sway?” That's the way being a mother goes for me. It is a never ending TO-DO list and you almost never get everything done. On top of all of that how could you possibly fit in time for God?


Jesus is my homie. He is literally my EVERYTHING! My love for Him is everlasting but, my walk with Him has been a little rocky since stepping into the role of motherhood.  Being a mom of two is difficult in itself and finding time to add anything else to that to do list is dreadful. The great thing is that it is possible though. The bible tells us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. (Phillipians 4:13)  Experience has taught me that this is indeed true. Leaning on God has helped me conquer this mom thing. Time is something that's almost never on my side but I believe the saying goes " you make time for what's important to you." Well as harsh as that sounds, it's true dear.  Trust me I know better than anyone that it is easier said than done. But, how do you do it Lynyadia? I'm glad you asked that question. 

My go to for every single thing is prayer.   I think we as people overthink prayer. Praying is literally having a conversation with God.  I just told you that Jesus is my homie therefore I talk to Him as such. There is no way you can have a relationship with anybody without communication and that includes God.  We must stay in constant conversation with Him in order to grow our relationship with Him. When I realized how talking to God helped me it created the need for me to do it more frequently. The good thing about prayer is that it doesn't take up a whole bunch of time.  There are many different ways to do it. Speaking aloud, silently, or you can even write it out. This sounds so simple. Well that's because it is. Start your day with prayer. While your tackling mommy duties whisper to God. I've even learned that just uttering the name Jesus can soothe you in frustrating times.  Growing closer to God in the midst of motherhood is achievable. Ask God to grant you time, to strengthen you and give you the will to grow closer to Him. If you've got the faith then God's got the power. I started with prayer and with time I've added reading my bible and even reading devotionals. For me it all started with prayer.  Don't be afraid to ask God for what you really want! Growing closer to God while trying to be an awesome mom can be challenging but YOU GOT THIS! God said He'll give us the desires of our hearts if we delight ourselves Him.(Psalm 37:4) So if you truly desire to grow closer to Him. Seek Him through prayer and let everything else fall into place.

I am ecstatic to annouce my collaboration with some of my favorite bloggers, put together by the incredible Sarah Butterfield. Sarah created a FREE E-book to give all busy moms like myself a little guidance on how to draw nearer to God in the midst of motherhood. In this E-book you will get advice from a bunch of moms on how we include time for God in our busy lives. This collaboration was an honor to be apart of and you can download your copy of the Drawing Near E-book right here for FREE!

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