5 Things I've Learned In My 2 Years of Blogging

5 Things I've Learned In My 2 Years of Blogging

Today is my Blogiversary and I am super excited. *Cues confetti* When I first started this journey I had no idea what I was doing. I just went for it. If I am being honest I kinda still don’t know what I am doing, but I find that doing me gets the job done. Here I am 2 years later and not to toot my own horn, but um “toot, toot.” There were times when I wanted to give up. There were times when I mirrored others and lost myself. There were even times when I put on shoes I knew were too big for me to fill. But, all in all I did it. I’m here, continuing what I started. Now more wiser, more educated and more self aware. The triple threat. I won’t sit here and act like I know it all. I am still growing and learning. I feel like the mistakes I’ve made have helped me along my journey. Not just in blogging, but life period! I love to have this outlet to rant, uplift, encourage and just share my life with my readers. Wait, I have readers y’all! I never thought that little oh me would have actual people who were interested in what I’d have to say about anything. It’s true what God has for you is for you! I never believed that more so than now! Shout out to you, my readers. ( I’ still bucked at that) Thank you for being with me on this journey. Thank you for helping me to grow and expand in this area. Thank you for taking me as I am as I still explore just who that is. I’ve come, I’ve seen, I’ve conquered, but I a’int done yet. This journey has taught me so many different things, so today I want to share with you 5 things I’ve learned in my 2 years of blogging.

2 Years of Blogging

5 Things I’ve Learned in My 2 years of Blogging

Be You, Do You

When I first started blogging I thought there was this prerequisite. I thought I had to mimic what the other bloggers were doing and saying. I thought I had to book photoshoots and talk about my day. I thought about quitting when I first stared because I didn’t think I was capable of keeping up, but I soon learned that blogging doesn’t look the same for everyone. I have to BE ME AND DO ME! Nobody can be me like me. I found my style and my voice and it’s been the best thing yet.

Connection over Competition

“I ain't gotta compete with a single soul” word to Nicki Minaj. Everyday I am in constant competition with the person I was yesterday Not anyone else. The younger version of myself thought it was cute to be in competition with other women, but the grown up version has learned that it is more important to be connected with dope women than to compete with them. I’ve always been a pretty friendly person, but I was never the girl to go out and make a bunch of new friends. My days one were enough for me until blogging opened the doors of community for me. I met girls who were on this same journey as me. Although it looks different for all of us, we are connected. My day ones are still popping also. See that’s the thing about community and connection, there’s enough room for all of us! And I can’t live without my community. When my people don’t understand , my blogging friends do. When I need advice or just connection, they got me. I learned that blogging isn’t a sit behind my computer and typing it out experience. It is a experience filled with love and there’s a whole community out there.

Perfection Hurts

I know we’ve all heard that pretty hurts, but Chile trying to be perfect will kill you. What is perfect anyway? Perfection is another one of those things that looks different for everyone. I quickly learned that perfection hurts in blogging. Stop trying to be perfect was one of the greatest lessons anyone has taught me. Do you and grant yourself grace as needed.

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there

You know the famous line by the queen , Erykah Badu. “ I’m an artist and I’m sensitive about my ish.” That definitely applys here. I never knew how I planned on being a blogger without actual putting my work out. I was so sensitive to what others would think. Would they like it? Would they understand it? Blah Blah Blah! Blogging has taught me to put myself out there, share my work and let it do what it do. Whomever it is meant to touch it will, but I gotta put it out there.


That scary C word that is super important. Consistency is the key to success. Consistency was hard for me. But blogging taught me how important being consistent is. You have to be consistent with blogging and everything in life you want to achieve. That doesn’t mean that I have to post a new blog post everyday, but I have to consistently create for my audience. I have to show up. The hardest thing to do is start something and be consistent, but having a “here and there” attitude will take you out very quickly.

All in all blogging has been a blessing to my life. In following God’s voice and walking in my purpose, I feel like I am on the track to the woman I was always meant to be. I have had many lovely experiences as well as haunting ones, but I celebrate today. Cheers to my 2 year BLOGIVERSARY! What’s one life lesson you learned this year?

2 Years of Blogging
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