My Sunday Routine

My Sunday Routine

I am happy to announce that I indeed got my life. Last week I told yall the past two weeks had been sort of a hell ride for me. But, I got my life y’all. LOL I’m gonna tell you just how I did it. I got back to my Sunday routine. Having a routine helps my week run smoothly. I know for sure my routine helps after the past two weeks I have experienced. On Sunday’s there are three things I must do to keep my life on track. Those three things are…

Plan/Iron Outfits

Now that I am no longer a uniform employee, I have to curate my outfits for the week. It’s hard trying to put together outfits every single morning so doing this on Sunday helps my entire week flow. Not only do I choose my outfits but I iron them as well. My mom made us iron our uniforms for the week when I was younger. It was a task I hated, but now as an adult I appreciate her instilling that in me. To help your week run smooth choose your outfits and iron them for the week. I also iron my kid’s uniforms on Sunday as well. I know this sounds tideous but it makes my mornings run so much better. This gives me a little extra sleep sometimes or more time to focus on other tasks in the mornings.



Meal planning has been life changing for me. Not knowing what I want to cook for dinner and having to go to the groccerey store everyday wears me completely out. If you do this everyday I send up prayers for you. Going to the store literally wears me out and most times I’ll opt for fast food instead. Let’s face it that can be very expensive, but meal planning has been a life saver. Basically meal planning is coming up with a menu for the week. I even anticipate the left overs. On Sunday I sit down and plan out my menu for the week. I make sure that I have all the ingredients needed to complete these meals as well. Doing it this ways saves so much time. Being that I am very indecisive and I change my mind constantly, having something in print that I have to stick to helps me out a lot. I don’t cook everything Sunday but, I make a plan and stick to it. Want your week to flow smoothly? Make a meal plan and stick to it.

Create a TO-DO List

Meal planning is great and all, but what about all the other 99 things you have to do? Making a to do list on Sunday will help you stay on task and help your week flow. Of course you won't always get every single thing on your list done but, you won’t be creating things to do all week. If it’s not on the list it has to wait. Starting to do this has helped me to stay focus on the tasks at hand. I am always in go mode so I’m always finding “extra” task that need to be done. Creating a to do list helps me slow down a bit. Of course unforseen things come about sometimes, but for the most part I stick to the to do list at hand. Take some time on Sunday and think about all the things you have to get done for the week. Write those things down and get to those specific things during the week. Knowing what’s coming is always better than going with the flow. Get you a to do list and help your week run smoothly.

Doing these three things has helped my week run much more smoothly. For the past two weeks I have not followed my Sunday routine and my weeks have been hell. I have been all over the place. My Sunday routine helps me more than I’ve realized. I hope that it can help you too. Try these three things next Sunday and see how your week goes.


Do you have a Sunday routine?



Get ya Life…

Get ya Life…