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I’m Up Next

I have been totally feeling the burn out. I am physically, mentally, and emotionally drained. I honestly feel like if I wasn't about to graduate, I would probably give up. School has been wearing me thin. When I started the semester I was all good. I was excited even. Now I just feel like blah, blah, blah. I know I’ve come too far to give up, but it's giving quit. Lol.

I was talking to my friend about how I've been feeling and she shared some amazing words with me. She was telling me about her experience at church Sunday and how she felt like that was a word just for her. Her pastor preached a sermon entitled I’m up next. Basically, she said life be lifing. She described life like being at the grocery store. There's so much going on around you. You have people on speaker phones, kids running around, rude people being rude and sometimes it seems like total chaos, but you can find peace in knowing that you’re up next. Your in line and your time is coming. Focus on the fact that you are next in line. Throughout the burnout and chaos, rest in the peace of being up next. You're next in line Sis. Don’t allow life to have you checkout before it’s your turn. Tune out the background noise and focus on the fact that it’s almost your turn. Say it with me, I’M UP NEXT! Hold on a little while longer Sis, you got this!