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Get ya Life…

“Get the gat, get the gat, get the gat,” immediately came to my mind after I wrote that title. It describes just how I’ve been feeling this week. Really but, not really if you know what I mean. (LOL)

This week has indeed kicked my butt. I found myself a bit overwhelmed because I just gotta do it all chile. I do not like to fail at anything. I’m okay with learning lessons from mess ups, but I have to atleast try. I was struggling to come up with something to write about this week. I didn't wanna just publish any oh thing because I value my readers too much. Everything I publish is from my heart and I indeed want to help others so me just posting to post can't happen. I wouldn't even play y’all like that. As I was brainstorming and doing the other million tasks I had this week, I was reminded of something a friend told me when I first started my blog and was struggling with content. She said, “ Yadie don't overthink this, when you lack the inspiration write about that process.” So here we are…

The past two weeks have been week, weeks for me. You know it's real when you say it twice. I have a Sunday routine that usually keeps my weeks flowing smoothly, but I have been off track as of late. I haven't stuck to my Sunday routine and it is showing. I must get back on track because this derailment is no fun at all. I can't even get my thoughts to align. My passion is to help others in any way I can. So whenever I’m writing thats my goal; to help, inspire and encourage. Finally getting my thoughts together I realized that maybe this post is not in vain. How many of us are bottled down with life's overwhelm?

God spoke to me as I was writing this and said, “Ya you are helping someone. KEEP GOING!” So that's what I did. I kept going, as this week got harder and harder, I kept going. As task on top of task piled up, I kept going. Even though I was getting less sleep, I woke up earlier to keep my commitment of prayer to God. I kept going through it all and that's my encouragement to you. Keep going! The way you show up matters.

Sometimes life gets in the way of our plans and goals. Sometimes things dont go as planned. Period! The bible says, “ There are many plans in a man’s heart, nevertheless the Lord’s counsel -that will stand.” Proverbs 19:21 Everything went the way it was supposed to this week. Was it hard? Yup! But guess what I KEPT GOING and you have to too! You never know who’s depending on your win.