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“Ain't no feelin' like being free
When your mind's made up
And your heart's in the right place
Ain't no feelin' like being free
When you done all you could
What was misunderstood
It's all good
Ain't no feelin' like bein' free
I'm like an eagle set free
And finally I'm looking out for me
Ain't no feelin' like being free
'Cause my mind's made up
And my heart's in the right place”

These are some of the lyrics from Destiny's Child's song Free. This song is one of my all time favorite Destiny's Child songs.  I love this song so much and it fits perfectly with this weeks blogpost theme. Free!  Galatians 5:1 tells us to “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ had made us free, and be not entangled with the yoke of bondage.” Man so much said in such a short scripture.   This scripture was the the theme of our women's retreat.  The retreat took place last weekend at Solomon Episcopal in Loranger, La. It was such a beautiful place.  Women of Freedom was our theme and chile when it was all said and done I felt just like the lyrics I recited from that Destiny's Child  song.  I felt free.  All the yoke and burdens I had been carrying around somehow finally took and released from me.  Who knew all it would take was one weekend?  Really it wasn't the weekend that freed me though.  When Jesus died He freed me, He was just waiting on me to walk in that freedom.  Are you walking in yours?

Women Of Freedom 2019

Y'all  the retreat was Lit.  I wasn't sure what to expect being that I had never attended anything like this before.  I have to admit  I was a little nervous, but excited at the same time. I mean every Sunday and Tuesday, I see most of the ladies I was with, but I never really got to know most of them outside of church functions. Everyone was welcoming and seemed to be just like me.  It was the first time I saw so many women of various ages that connected with me on so many different levels. The crowd was mixed with the oldest attendee being 71 and the youngest 30. I was in a room full of wisdom.  From the oldest to the youngest woman wisdom was spread throughout the atmosphere.  Day 1 for me personally was an eye opener. Hearing women pour their hearts out about everything they go through inspired me.  It was the very reason I started this blog.


We were asked to bring something that symbolizes when we became free or if you don't feel free bring the things you want to be free from.  For so long I couldn't think of anything to bring for either case.  One day I realized that my blog represents that moment of freedom for me. This blog allows me to be for someone exactly what the women who shared their stories were for me. "What happens on the retreat stays at the retreat." Lol, so I won't tell anyone else's story but I can give a little of mine. The two things I brought to speak of my freedom was my bible and my blog.  My bible is one of the last Christmas gifts my mom got me before she died. I asked her for a study bible and she gave it to me one christmas along with my favorite pair of shoes.  For me that bible represents a form of my freedom. I was very dependent on my mom for EVERYTHING!!! I was a grown woman when she passed, but even then she was my everything.  After she died I was left feeling like I had no one to depend on, but my bible reminded me I actually did. She left the bible as a guide. My guide to freedom. I always depended on her, but she depended on God. It was now time for God to be that source for me as well.

"Rise and Release"

As a woman I sometimes feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. I carry it all around with me everywhere I go like a trucker carrying freight along the highway.  It seems that I never get a chance to brake at a rest stop. When I started my blog I felt like I finally took a little of the weight off. With article after article the weight seemed to become lighter and lighter. So now as I release little by little I feel more and more free.  My prayer and hope is that I can help others release the weight they carry as well.  We all have it and I know I may not experience everything that you are going through but hopefully me sharing my story can still help you release.  Be encouraged my sister. This was the whole essence of the retreat. I was encouraged and also realized that I'm not the the only one.  I wasn't the only one who carried around insecurities, doubt, fear, worry, struggles and yoke.  It wasn't just me.  Somehow just knowing that I wasn't alone helped me.  But, what impacted my life even more was the moment I decided to walk in the freedom I already had.  See we carry these things around like the bag lady on the bus, but we don't realize that God encourages us to drop our cares off to him and leave em there.  See we bring em to God but before we even utter amen we pick it right back up.  You are free my girl, Free!  Walk in the freedom that is already yours!  Each one teach one, and now that I know better I have to spread the wisdom given to me.

"Free to Burn"

Day 2 of the retreat we heard from two amazing speakers.  They both spoke life into me and showed me that although the cares of this world sometimes get us down, freedom is still mine!  After Saturday's sessions we had what we called “Free to Burn”  Free to Burn was where we wrote out the things that weigh us and we released them into the fire.  As they burned we one by one heard the sounds of shackles falling from our bodies.  Once they burned in our bonfire there was no way to go in and reclaim what was thrown in.  The idea was once you released it into the fire, you now are free from it and you have to live like you are.  Carrying your burdens can become habitual.  We do it for so long it becomes sort of routine.  So when we decide to free ourselves from things it's hard to to just change.  So I'm not saying this is an easy task but, once we release and walk in our freedom depending on God becomes dire.  We've tried it on our own now it's time to be free! Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6).  It's time to walk in your freedom because like Destiny's Child sings “ain't no feeling like being free!”

Are you ready to be free?