What Matters

What Matters

Last week was a WEEK, WEEK for me. I started the week with a mountain of goals and to no avail I didn't get through half of them. I didn't even get to post my weekly blogpost. In true Yadie fashion, I beat myself up. Verbally and emotionally I picked myself apart because I'm that girl. I'm the girl that echoes "you got this," every  single week to my tribe,  yet this last week I felt the exact opposite.

 For starters my week began with my 6 year old son, who was sick. He's never sick so this was a shocker. Plus, nothing's worse than having to care for your sick child and knowing there is absolutely nothing you can do to take the pain away. Safe to say I was distraught, but I pulled myself together and wore the strong mommy mask. I prayed and prayed to God asking Him to heal my baby boy. Eventually He did and I am beyond grateful. I am excited to announce that after a few days of being down my baby boy is back to normal. He's back to driving me crazy per usual. The road back to health was a rough one, but we both prevailed. When your child is sick, you give all your attention to that and only that.   All my goals for the week were placed on the back burner because all that mattered to me was my baby. Not one goal set was a priority for me until I knew he was fine. Then it happened, he was fine and time continued to tick away. No pause was allowed for me to catch up. The clock kept running and I had no time outs left.



Last week was also Valentine's Day and of course my husband wanted my attention.  I mean come on, it was the day to celebrate love.  I love Valentine's Day, but all I could project on the screen of my mind was climbing that mountain of goals I had left to conquer.  I figured I could still get my weekly post out and atleast check something off the list, but not even close. I spent a amazing evening with my husband instead.  Honestly I forgot all about that "important" stuff I had to do.


I'm not into the fancy, expensive nights out and gifts for holidays.  I'd much rather enjoy time at home in more creative ways.  More so because Valentine's day fell on a Thursday.  Being a mom that equaled a school night/ work night, so getting all fancy was out of the question.  Instead we cooked dinner at home together.  Which was awesome. We shared many laughs and giggles and genuinely enjoyed the time shared with one another.  We ended the night with a movie we'd been wanted to see but never gotten the chance to check out.  Food, wine, and red box made for the best Valentine's day I experienced thus far. That genuine experience made life all the better.  And that list of goals was no where on my mind .

Friday came and it was back to regularly scheduled programming.  I was off to work, and getting kids prepared for school and it hit me. I hadn't completed one thing on my goals list, but I felt so accomplished.  I got to do things much needed that I had taken for granted. Sometimes we get so caught up in the goals we want to accomplish that we forget the things and people that matter most to us.  For me that is my family. My son being sick allowed me to just love on him in a way I hadn't done in a while. Of course I hug and kiss him daily along with belts of "I love you's" all day long.  But, I got to just hold my baby boy as I did when he was a baby and tell him it was gonna be just fine. Although he was sick, I thoroughly enjoyed the time I got to spend with my baby.  And I have to admit the time spent with my husband on Vday was much appreciated and needed.  God's plan will always prevail.  No matter what. Things we feel are important and of top priority can get cut out at any moment. In these times God avails opportunities for us to recognize the goals He has for us and those will always trump the goals we set for ourselves.

I spent this week performing a balancing act.  I suited up to climb my mountain of goals, but I also took in the scenery along the way; my beautiful family. It's true, you don't realize what you're missing out on in life til your left facing it with no choice. I read a blog by  Samjah Iman about not placing expectations on people and things that made me reconsider the way I reach my goals. In the post she explains that she is not married to her goals. After reading that and my experience last week.  I have divorced mine as well.  My goals are still of great importance to me, but the hour in which they are achieved and the route in which I navigate to them are TBD.  AI am no longer married to a ONE way system. I am still on a journey to the top, but I've learned that it is not as straight a shot as I thought. Taking time to enjoy the entire adventure is more promising.

Are you on a continuous climb to the top forgetting to nurture the blessings surrounding you?

Everything to God

Everything to God

Taking care of me

Taking care of me