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It seems like life is on a mission to take me out.  It's like thing after thing keeps arising in my life.  Stress is a killer and guess what? That's the one thing I surprisingly haven't been. If you know me then you know I usually run around like a chicken with my head cut off when problems arise.  Being that I am a self certified “fixer,” I try to figure everything out and come up with solutions to fix whatever the issue is. Sounds like a I got it together right? Nah, while I troubleshoot these issues, I don't apply faith.  Not only is faith absent, but I'm a mess in the process. You can expect ugly crying, wallowing, a whole lotta self pity plus excuses. Yup, thats me!! Well it was me!

I learned that when you worry, you don't have faith and when you have faith you don't worry.   Worry is the complete opposite of faith. I proclaim that I have great faith in God, but when the problems start to rolling in, I run, duck, hide and sometimes I even play chicken with them.  When I should stand and know that God will maneuver me accordingly. Ironically my last name is Prosper. Ok by marriage but still that's my name. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. ( Isaiah 54:17 ) That's what the bible tells me. That means when problems arise in my life I shouldn't worry because they can't prosper.  Nope they shall not hurt, harm nor prosper. I on the other hand was made to prosper and because of that weapons are forming to take me out. Now the old me would plan a counter attack but see the person God has fashioned knows the battle is not mine. I don't have to worry, I don't even have to fight, God has me. He's always had me I was just leaning to my own understanding.   When in fact I know nothing at all. That's the problem, we as people think we know it all. We spend our whole lives trying to fix things when we should just yield to God's plan for our lives.

Of course I know that's easier said than done. Because we are creatures of habit. I’ve fought against myself for so long dealing with the many issues in my life. It comes natural to fight our problems, especially when you feel alone and you have to do it by yourself.   What I've learned is God is mighty and also powerful. And I don't know about you, but I don't want His smoke. I realized that yielding to Him is far better than fighting alone. I know that if I trust in Him things will still arise but they won't prosper. Just last week alone, I lost my wallet (which contained my entire life), Police pulled me over and my license plate was taken, bills were due that I had no clue how they would be paid, and my kids have drove me into a slight depression yet I'm still standing.  All glory to God because when I should have been falling apart due to these issues, I stood tall and still without a worry and trusted in God. I'm glad to announce that my wallet was returned with everything in it. Everything, the cash and all. I only had to pay $42 to the DMV. ALL my bills are up to date and my mental health is on the road to being restored. And guess what? I didn't figure it out on my own. I didn't troubleshoot any of those issues, God did. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6) Yall it's real outchea and I don't know about you but Im happy I ain't gotta fight my own battles, cause I'd be in trouble. I'd rather just Prosper!